Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Check Your Environmental Facts!

Here's the good news:
  • According to a study from Finland, human urine mixed with wood ash makes a safe and efficient fertilizer.
  • Places with banned smoking policy in public venues had a 17% drop in heart attacks a year later and with a 36% reduction after 3 years basing on the analysis of Europe and North America studies.
  • The world's first shark sanctuary was created as announced by the Pacific nation of Palau. This was created by a ban on commercial shark fishing in its waters, and the area is larger than France! :)

...and the bad news:
  • Locust outbreaks occur more often during warm, dry periods and that climate change could increase their frequency, based on findings from Chinese scientists.
  • Based on a Cardiff University study in UK, children who ate sugary foods were more likely to commit violent crimes as adults.
  • Fifty percent of people who do wild games have more lead in their blood than those who do not, according to a study by CDC. Likely, the source of the metal was the lead ammunition used.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Keeping The Environment Carbon Free?

While the government makes plans for cutting future carbon emissions, some group of engineers are as well working on schemes on how carbon can be put away where it came from, - the underground.

Findings say that the concept of storing carbon in a rock, - known as geologic carbon sequestration could be one effective way to clean up carbon pollution in the environment.

Geochemists studies say that a single rock formation can store up to 10% of all human-generated carbon emissions in a year. The formation consists of peridotite, - a rock containing minerals that react with CO2 to form solid magnesium carbonate, one of the rocks that can trap carbon.

There has been plans to start the project in Iceland which plans to inject carbon dioxide-infused groundwater into volcanic basalt about 1,800 ft. underground. The depth pressure keeps the gas dissolved and prevents it from leaking into the atmosphere; wherein eventually, the CO2 bonds with the rock to form solid carbonate.

Columbia scientists and others will be tasked to monitor the project and determine if this approach could expand to handle the 28 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide humans emit each year.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Food For The Brain

There are food brain boosters that are worth considering. Afterall, what you eat may affect how you think ;).
Consider the following:
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. These are present in salmon and tuna, flaxseed oil, canola oil and walnuts. Other options would be to take 3 grams of fish oil per day.
  • Blueberries. - Being rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids that seem to offer brain benefits, may slow and even reverse age-related declines in brain function and motor performance.
  • Green tea. - helps improve memory and prevent age-related memory loss.
  • Chocolate. - Some dark chocolate is rich with flavonols, - a substance that dilate arteries. Good example is a flavonol-rich cocoa which can improve blood flow which may help prevent age-related dementia. Take note: eating chocolates should be done in moderation, of course.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Malware Red Flags (Part 2 of 2)

  • Emails asking for account information - If you receive an email coming from the name of your bank or any other institution asking for your account password or other information it should already have on your file, immediately delete the email. Don't click any links, call any numbers nor respond because it would likely be a phishing attack. Always use the phone numbers printed at the back of your credit or debit card or bank statement to contact your institution directly to check if the request is legitimate.
  • Nonstop pop ups - Pop ups that appear even when you have a pop up blocker enabled or that show up even when your web browser isn't open indicate the presence of malware or adware on your PC, so run complete anti-virus and anti spyware scans.
  • Antivirus and antispyware stops working - If these softwares suddenly becomes inaccesible, or you can no longer visit their websites or download updates, it's a bad sign. You'll need to seek professional help to get rid of it and avoid crashing of the hard drive.
  • Poor PC performance - A lof of malware causes PC slowdowns, crashes and boot problems. Malware such as the software that powers botnets also consumes a lot of bandwidth from your internet connetion, so if your web browsing seems to be sluggish, it's time to run complete anti-virus and anti-spyware scans.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Malware Red Flags - (Part 1 of 2)

If any of the following things happen to your PC, just be sure that your antivirus and anti malware software are currently updated and use both to run complete scans.
The following terms below are the things you should be aware of when a malware occurs.
  • Homepage Hijack - If your browser's homepage suddenly changes and you didn't authorize the change, it usally means a malware programmer has hi-jacked it. If this happens, run a complete anti-virus and anti-malware scan, reset your homepage to your liking, and see if it sticks. (You can typically find the homepage setting in your browser's Option settings.)
  • Unidentifed browser toolbars and bookmarks - Sometimes, if you install a software, it asks if you want to install a browser toolbar, but malware programmer can also deliver their software through an unauthorized toolbar installation. Malware programmers use browser exploits or illegitimate software to load unauthorized bookmarks or favorites into your browser and once you click on them would load a site that installs additional malware. Hiding or deleting these toolbars is ineffective because the malware that put them there still lurks on the computer.
  • Strange search results - If your default search provider changes from what you're used to seeing to something else particularly if that something else isn't a major search site such as Google or Yahoo, there's the possibility, you're a victim of browser hijacking.
(to be continued)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cool The Burn

Some food that may seem safe can give you bad heart burn over and over again, which may indicate you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, (GERD).
Heart burn and GERD are not the same condition. Heartburn is a symptom of GERD, while the latter is the disease itself.
At some point, some people can get heartburn usually after a meal or when you lie down after eating. If you get heartburn a lot, you may have GERD. Sings and symptoms include sour taste in the mouth, trouble swallowing, ongoing cough due to acid reflux, need to clear throat often, hoarseness/loss of voice and chest pain. It's always safe to talk to your doctor right away.

Home Management Care:
  • Over-the-counter medicines should help relieve symptoms for occasional heart burn.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid foods such as alcohol, caffeine, high-fat foods, tomato products, peppermint, garlic, onions, spicy food and chocolate.
  • Avoid late-night snacking.
  • Allow at least 3 hours between dinner and bedtime.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So, Now You're The Boss, What's Next?

Start brushing up your manners. Be prompt, keep a clean desk, smile, say thank you and please and acknowledge the success of others. People are looking to you for an example, so don't bolt for the door at 5PM! :)

Always keep your cool. A screamer isn't a sign of authority, but instead shows weakness, not strength.

Be a boss, not a buddy. Your employees crave for structure, leadership and feedback from you. You can't get people to work hard for you simply by befriending them.

Listen attentively. Bring paper and pen to every meeting and take notes when your employees talk. it's one way of showing them they are important to you.

Stay positive. Never embarrass your employee. Start every critique with a compliment; like "I think you're terrific, and I know you're trying, but I'd like to point out a few things to help you improve.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Be Goal-Oriented!

Some points worth considering and might help:
  • Set realistic goals. - Take small steps at a time toward achieving a larger goal. This manner of doing it will help you succeed.
  • Write your goals. Describe each of your goal in details - the more detailed, the better. General or unspecific goals mostly are not met.
  • Act like you've met your goals. Put yourself in a positive state of mind. Tell yourself you deserve your goal and will do whatever it takes to achieve it.
  • Make a detailed plan. - Decide the things you need to do to reach your goals. This should include finding the right tools and training you need. Keep track of your past goals and progress. It's vital to see how far you have come.
There you a fruitful career by being goal-oriented. You won't regret you did it.