Monday, November 19, 2012

Helpful Tips on How to Protect Your Identity Online

Whether we like it or not, cases of identity theft have been increasing, and the problem shouldn't be ignored. Be on the look out by having safety measures to safeguard not only yourself but your family and loved ones as well.

Always on the lookout on your finances. The most common way thieves can get access to your finances is through changing your mailing address so they can receive your sensitive documents. It's always a safety measure to ask your bank to email or text you whenever an address change is requested.

Take precautions as home, and stash important papers in a locked cabinet. It's also much safer to scan them and store them on a password-protected PC, then better shred the hard copies.

Protect your child which can be usually the most recent targets of thieves. They can steal your child's Social Security no. and they have years to open credit card accounts with it and gain huge debts before your child applies his first credit card account. Check with all 3 bureaus (TransUnion, Experian & Equifax) every few years to make sure your child is safe and clear.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Right Boots For Winter

Winter can be harsh to our skin and feet. It is this type of season where we really have to protect our body including our feet by wearing proper and comfortable shoes or boots.
And speaking about boots, I really need one, but as of now, I am still enjoying the warmth of the tropics since I will be staying in a tropical climate for 3 months ;).

After my vacation, I will be going back home in winter! I checked these muck boots products online and I just like the features. I need one that is completely waterproof  and lightweight. And it's the best thing to know they have my size!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Stop Desk Bad Habits at Work!

Are you squinting and straining just because you constantly have to lean forward to reach your keyboards and see your screen? You can solve the problem by attaching a separate monitor and keyboard (if you use a laptop).

Avoid crossing your legs which can make it difficult for you to keep your spine straight and shoulders squared. You will also put risk overstretching the muscles around your pelvis, causing you to develop varicose veins by interrupting blood flow. 

Don't get the habit of pinning the phone between your ear and your shoulder while you multi task. It will also be tough for the neck! Instead, use a headset or speakerphone for any calls that lasts for more than 5 minutes.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!

Christmas spirit is almost here! You can smell it in the air, and see bright lights both in public and private places. The singing of Christmas carols can now be heard. And of course, houses from the neighborhood are starting to glitter ;).

And of course, don't forget the fresh
cedar garland to put inside your home. As you smell the fresh aroma inside your home, it completes your Christmas celebration, don't you think? :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Back Pain? You Can Stop It!

At some point in our lives, that crippling back pain might just only be caused by hunching over your computer. If your back pain has been annoying you lately, try few simple changes in the way you work infront of your PC or on your desk.

Align your head and neck right above your shoulders by keeping your head up. Avoid straining froward.

When you move your mouse, it should ideally be placed right next to your keyboard so you don't need to overreach twisting your shoulder, arm or wrist when clicking.

Pick a chair that allows your lower back to rest against a lumbar support, then tilt the back of the chair so it's very slightly reclined.

Breathe from your belly on each inhale, by drawing your navel toward your spine. This engages the core muscles and supports the upper body.

Your torso should be about an arm's length away from the monitor which should be 2-3 inches above eye level.

Keep your feet flat on the floor and your shoulder wide apart.. It quiets the tension in your knees and ankles.

Roll your shoulders back and down and square them over your hips. Think of it as you're balancing a plate on your head, and you don't want it to fall off.

Find the right angle by trying to position your knees at 90 degrees, directly over your ankles; this will keep your spine comfortably upright.

Take some rests by getting up at least once every hour - to go bathroom or just do shoulder exercises. These would reduce pressures on your spinal disks and boosts your circulation.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Upgrade Your Career As A Social Worker

Child eating disorders has been on the rise for the past 20 years and continue to grow. While children are introduced to the media's portrayal of the perfect stick thin woman and thin muscular man, the images become engrained in their heads as what they're "supposedto" look like. Without the proper education available to today's youth, child eating disorders will continue to rise.

Refusal to eat and denial of hunger

This is possibly the easiest sign to recognize when it comes to eating disorders. For any age group, refusing to eat is a dangerous behavior that can seriously harm you. If you notice your child refusing food, it's a good reason to be concerned. Try to talk to your child and find out why they don't want to eat. In some cases, it could be a dietary issue, but in most, it can link to an eating disorder. If you've noticed a consistent denial of hunger, you should seek help for your child.

Excessive exercise

Exercise is a healthy habit to engage in that is encouraged for anyone at any age. Exercise can keep you in shape and helps to keep your overall health in order. However, in the case of eating disorders, excessive exercise is the sign that's not as obvious because it's associated with a healthy lifestyle. When a child is excessively exercising, it can take a serious toll on their body and their mental stability. Keep track of your child's exercise habits and make sure it's a healthy balance and not an excessive obsession.


Having a moody child is not uncommon, especially if they're in their teenage years. It's when moody turns into irritable, and it takes over your child's personality. Irritability can be caused by a plethora of things, but when a child is not eating and is starving themselves to lose weight, irritability is very common.

Social withdrawl

Have you noticed your child not being as social as they once were? This is another common sign of an eating disorder. Withdrawing from the social scene is a way for a child to focus on their self as opposed to their peers. It also gives them an escape from explaining why they're not eating or starting to look different. If your child has no desire to spend time with friends and prefers to lock themselves in their rooms, monitor the behavior and take action if it continues.

Lack of emotion

Lack of emotion and irritability are two very different characteristics but are both associated with eating disorders. Not showing any emotion is a red flag with a child that something is wrong. If your child is consistently lacking emotion and any sense of engagement in what's happening around them, it's reason for concern.
The symptoms above are only some of the many signs that your child might have an eating disorder. By paying attention to your child's appearance, their appetite, their desire to eat, social life and mood, you will have a better grasp on whether or not there have been changes with them at any point. All of these symptoms can help you prevent your child from developing a serious disorder and harming themselves, so pay attention. Your child will thank you one day.
Alaina Mason is a freelance writer and health advocate. As a social worker, she has worked with many children suffering with eating disorders. She has done a great deal of research on how getting a social work online degree can help her patients and expand her knowledge of the field.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How To Kick Your Costliest Habits

I'm sure you would agree that most people (not only for women but men as well) can have that habit of uncontrollable spending so that they would always end up financially broke, have big debts, no savings, and worst, ending up bankrupt! That would be the worst nightmare that can happen to you if you don't know how to manage wise spending.

First strategy, - try changing your relationship to the item you buy. Impulse buying for instance is like allowing yourself subconsciously to buy more than what you planned to buy, paddling your mental budget to account for the extra purchases you assume you'll make at the store. Stop making it easy on yourself to overspend with these behavioral tricks.

"Just look, but don't touch!" According to a study at UCLA and University of Wisconsin, picking up that item that attracted you most and examining it more closely increases your sense of ownership which makes it more difficult to resist buying.

Try go shopping with a list and have inventory of your pantries and cupboards before heading to the store, plan to use cash and take with you the exact amount. If you pay in cash, you spend 10%-35% less than paying with your credit card. Adopt smart shopping habits which can help you cut discretionary spending on gifts, entertainment, clothes, and home items by a third, or at least $5,700 a year on average for households earning $100,000 and up.

Nudge yourself by creating separate savings accounts for certain goals and name them such as vacation funds, holiday account, etc...this makes it less likely that you'll tap them for "unauthorized purchases".