Saturday, June 14, 2008 Launches BillsIQ

Are you wondering how is your financial health doing? If we do have physical and mental health check ups, then we do also have financial health check ups as well :). The difference is, you can have it for Our first step to debt freedom is knowing how and where we are in the field of financial wellness. One way of doing it is checking our BillIQ by taking the test, and you can do it at Take the BillsIQ test here. Aside from being free it is user friendly and easy to use. The test will be done in five different areas such as credit, debt, budgeting, wealth and life plan by which after the test, consumers can receive their percentage scores which will be their BillsIQ. It's time to get serious about how financially fit are you. Afterall, it's your loved ones future that's involved here. Learn more about your money at Time to get your financial health check up done!

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