Friday, October 29, 2010

What Coffee Can Do For You

For sure, coffee can always give you a kick, but check these other things that it can do further for you;

Odor Busters:
Unused coffee grounds can be used to freshen smelly fridges by sucking up stinky moisture to neutralize air, and they give off that great java scent as always.
Place a small bowl of grounds in the back of your fridge or freezer, or hang a cheesecloth pouch filled with it in the cabinet where you keep your garbage, then discard after a few months.

Brain Food:
A mug a day can help you stay sharp. According to a study, a daily dose of caffeine may block the disruptive effects of high cholesterol that scientists have linked to Alzheimer's disease.

Stress Buster:
Inhaling the scent of roasted coffee might help you fight stress. The coffee aroma triggers a relaxation response helping to ease stress.

Body refresher:
Coffee is an all-natural exfoliant. Try this rejuvenating skin smoother; Mix together 1 cup cooled used coffee grounds, 1/2 cup sugar (also a dry-skin reliever), 1/2 cup tbsp jojoba oil (which hydrates skin without leaving it greasy); then gently rub mixture all over your body in a circular motion, then rinse and pat dry.