Saturday, November 3, 2012

How To Kick Your Costliest Habits

I'm sure you would agree that most people (not only for women but men as well) can have that habit of uncontrollable spending so that they would always end up financially broke, have big debts, no savings, and worst, ending up bankrupt! That would be the worst nightmare that can happen to you if you don't know how to manage wise spending.

First strategy, - try changing your relationship to the item you buy. Impulse buying for instance is like allowing yourself subconsciously to buy more than what you planned to buy, paddling your mental budget to account for the extra purchases you assume you'll make at the store. Stop making it easy on yourself to overspend with these behavioral tricks.

"Just look, but don't touch!" According to a study at UCLA and University of Wisconsin, picking up that item that attracted you most and examining it more closely increases your sense of ownership which makes it more difficult to resist buying.

Try go shopping with a list and have inventory of your pantries and cupboards before heading to the store, plan to use cash and take with you the exact amount. If you pay in cash, you spend 10%-35% less than paying with your credit card. Adopt smart shopping habits which can help you cut discretionary spending on gifts, entertainment, clothes, and home items by a third, or at least $5,700 a year on average for households earning $100,000 and up.

Nudge yourself by creating separate savings accounts for certain goals and name them such as vacation funds, holiday account, etc...this makes it less likely that you'll tap them for "unauthorized purchases".