Thursday, April 7, 2016

Eating With Benefits

We would always hear advices; - "eat healthy", eat veggies, go healthy diets."...etc! But what exactly are we gonna pick to get that nutritionally balanced diet while grocery shopping?

To Increase Energy: Pick beans, peas and peanuts which are good sources of magnesium. So, those who do work outs more often lose some magnesium through sweat. A deficiency may cause you to frizzle out more easily. Legumes give you RDA of 320mg; A cup of white beans has 134mg; and a cup of frozen peas gives 35mg.

  • Spinach - one of the best source of ironwhich helps gives energy-sustaining oxygen to your cells. Vitamin C-rich foods can be a good mix to your meal to improve absorption.
  • Quinoa - is a better substitute from white rice and breads that can cause blood sugar crashes which will leave you dragging. Quinoa is a complex carb that helps you give a steady stream of energy. It is one of the rare plant-based foods containing all 9 of the essential amino acids that our body can't produce for itself. Amino acids are important keys to building muscles.
To Fight Allergies/Asthma:
  • Tomatoes - it has lycopene that is proven to help reduce inflammation in the lungs and number of cells that secret mucus - both are responses to allergens. Eating highly concentrated sources of lycopene may help allergy sufferers breathe easier.
  • Vitamin D - Fortified Milk - People who have low levels of D are more prone to asthma and wheezing. Vit. D has evidences to prove basing on some studies that it has a protective effect against asthma symptoms and sensitivity to allergies. Salmon, tuna are also good sources.
  • Apples - they contain quercetin, a flavonoid that acts as a natural anti-histamine and block substances that cause allergy symptoms. The skin of apple contains majority of quercetin, so, you can eat the skin too!
To Boost Your Brainpower:
  • Berries - they have anthocyamins, (antioxidants that lend berries their hues). They help block enzymes that short-circuit normal communication between brain cells. You can go with a variety of berries since each type of berry has its own mix of phytochemicals.
  • Eggs - egg yolks are high in choline, an essential nutrient required to make acetylcholine - a neurotransmitter that helps with signaling between memory-supporting neurons. People who take in the recommended amount of choline levels were proven to be better in memory tests. Daily recommendation is 425mg. Two eggs have about 300mg.
  • Clams - give B12, essential for brain function. Good sources of B12 are also salmon, lobsters, tuna or beef.
To Improve Skin:
  • Oranges - are good for collagen production present in Vitamin C. Oranges are rich in Vit. C and can help against skin dryness.
To Brighten Your Mood:
  • Walnuts - they're one of the richest sources of serotonin, a chemical that helps create calmness and happiness.
  • Enriched Cereal - a breakfast cereal can give a 100% daily amount of folic acid; - a synthetic form of B vitamin folate. Folate can help reverse depressive symptoms for people who have low levels.