Saturday, December 22, 2012

Feeling At Home And Happy!

Since I haven't been posting about more personal topics on this blog, I thought I will post one this time. This blog is for general purpose anyway. It's just that most of my personal experiences are mostly posted on my other blog and trip experiences are mostly on my trails and travelogues blog as well.

It's been  a month and a half since I am here spending my vacation in the Philippines.  It is also the first time since I got married that I became away longer than 1 month from my husband. I didn't know I would miss him so bad! :(
But being with my family helps a lot cover the homesickness. Hanging around together is considered priceless since this is only a rare opportunity to grab, experience and enjoy it, don't you think? The fact that I see them around everyday makes me feel so at home in my own home ;).

I still have 3 weeks left before my husband will arrive for his 3-week vacation, then we will go back home in the US together end of January next year. I am missing US home a little bit, but I can't complain. Thank God for gadgets and technology, that we are still able to talk on the phone with the hubby daily.

While I am here, I would rather enjoy this vacation and make it worthwhile!

Merry Christmas, everyone!