Thursday, November 11, 2010

Be Your Doctor's BFF

Do you want to develop a BFF-relationship with your doctor? Doctors have favorites and they lie if they say they don't. Here are some how to score major points.

Send a thank you card or email if your doctor has gone above and beyond for you. Many doctors receive a lot of them but they treasure them; On those days when they feel really bad and overwhelmed, they pull those notes and letters to remind them that they do make a difference.

Take their advice seriously by following your doctor's suggestions for getting healthier. Then give a call to thank them and let them know they were a great help for you. That will be a source of encouragement and will make them work harder for the next patient.

Doctors appreciate people who doesn't only discuss your symptoms with them but also can relate to you on a more personal level. Some patients bring their hobbies with them to the clinic and show their works with them or share a read from your favorite books ;).

Spread the word. Refer your friends and family to him or her or a referral is best preferred. You can be your doctor's favorite ambassador ;).