Friday, March 4, 2011

Social Networking Alerts

Social networking isn't bad. The way it is being used by others in a negative way is bad.
Before taking advantage of the positive aspects of social networking, always keep the following things in mind, and here are the things on how you can protect yourself on a social networking site:

  • Limit access to your profile if the site allows. Don't allow strangers to know everything they can about you because it's not just safe.
  • Private information should be kept confidential. SO, don't post your full name, social security no., address, phone no., financial information or schedules. If so, these will make you more vulnerable to identity thieves, burglars, scam, etc...
  • Use a screen name instead of real name. Avoid using any personal information that would lead somebody to identify or locate you offline.
  • Be cautious in posting your photo. It can be used to identify you offline. They can also be altered or shared without your knowledge.
  • Never post information that makes you vulnerable to a physical attack. Information such as where to meet friends, your class schedule or street address is an open invitation to find you.
  • Use your common sense. If you happened to be contacted by a stranger online, find out from your friends whether they know this person, or do an online search on him/her. If you agree to meet the person, do it in a public place and invite others to join you.
  • If you feel uncomfortable or threatened during the online conversation, trust your instincts, and stop the dialogue. Call the police.
  • Be suspicious and don't take any information you get from a new online contact. The internet makes it easy for people to say or do things they would never say or do in public or face-to-face interactions.