Monday, July 18, 2011

Warning Signs of a Bully Victim

Parents, you can protect your kids away from the bullies if you only have to be extra observant. But if you feel some doubts about your kids' change in his/her behaviors, it could mean your child is being bullied:
Take extra note on the following warning signs:
  • has unexplained cuts, scrapes and bruises
  • comes home from school with torn clothing, damaged books
  • constantly loses money or school supplies.
  • doesn't want to go to school or is scared to ride the school bus.
  • chooses an unreasonable route for going to and from school.
  • suddenly becomes evasive, withdrawn, sullen.
  • seems socially isolated with few if any friends; and is rarely invited to parties or homes of other kids.
  • complains of stomach ache, headaches and frequently visits the school nurse.
  • has difficulty sleeping or has bad dreams; cries self to sleep, wets the bed.
  • looks sad and depressed.
  • has sudden significant drop in grades, as well as difficulty focusing and concentrating.