Sunday, December 9, 2007

"Hurricane On The Bayou"

This is a good movie that we watched at IMAX Theater at Audobon Nature Institute in New Orleans. The movie lasts for 30 minutes it is all about what was the city of New Orleans before hurricane Katrina came. It talks about the importance of proper care for the wetlands, the wildlife on the bayou (or they call it in another term a brookstream), and further shows the day, during and after the hurricane came and go...the latter was the most scary but touching at the end.

It's worth watching. You'll gonna be witnessing a true to life story of people's lives and homes shattered, and now rebuilding hopes, dreams and homes once again.


hfnl/jtld said...

bet that's a good movie.

but i don't want to watch becoz i'm very emotional. i'll just cry with that one.

comedy lang ako aron sige ko tisngi!

angelnoah said...

oh, i cried a li'l bit..but it's ok coz it was dark, nobody saw my tears falling down, hahaha!