Monday, September 19, 2011

Are You In Stress? Or Anxiety?

Stress is just normal and mostly doesn't need any medical intervention, while anxiety disorders are more severe and may need medical help.
It is important that you know how to distinguish between the two and you would know when to seek your doctor's help!

It is stress:
Worrying, even a lot of times.
It is anxiety:
Your worrying interferes with your life, like you can't sleep, and can't stop thinking about catastrophic events although you know they are just irrational.

It is stress:
You feel anxious about job security like office gossips, layoffs which has all you concerned.
It is anxiety:
You're constantly anxious about job security even in the absence of layoffs or other factors, and spend most of your time thinking about it that you can't focus on doing your job.

It is stress:
You freak out about giving that toast on your sister's wedding, your heart pounds, your face flushes, but you get through it.
It is anxiety:
You become paralayzed while standing to give your speech so that you can't do it physically. Your idea of speaking in public is terrifying that your heart races and you feel nauseated thinking about it.

It is stress:
You have one isolated panic attack especially during a time of extreme stress.
It is anxiety:
You have multiple attacks a few weeks or months, or you find that even fear of an attack brings one on.

It is stress:
You feel anxious in going to a party where you don't know a lot of people.
It is anxiety:
You feel so anxious that you can't go to a social situation that doesn't involve your innermost circle of friends and family.

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