Monday, February 18, 2008

Home Clocks

I love clocks. Believe it or not, I have a dozen of clocks at home, from small table clocks to wall clocks, from the bedroom to the bathroom, and now even down the basement! :) Aside from the fact that I love decorative clocks, I am a close tracker of time as I do at home works or even travelling. I can't seem to have a normal life without seeing a clock from time to time. Perhaps, it is because I got used to being with clocks all around me at home :)) It is true, clocks can really transform the look of your home. It is just a great help and information for me reading Clocks Blog which gave me some ideas about clocks and their kinds. I have known I have one mantel clock on top of the table in our entertainment room, and it was then I found out it is called mantel clock lol! I love mantel clocks because of their decorative designs. I am thinking of getting another one or a couple to replace my two small table clocks that stops every other day, and just got to shake them from time to time to wake them up! :( My husband is amused seeing the house with clocks every turn he does in every corner of the house. Well, at least he doesn't get late for work! Thanks clockblog for the info. :)